Wednesday 1 October 2008


Today I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed until 9am which is not like me at all. I think it's this feather duvet, it's changed me!

I eventually made it to the library where I thought I'd struggle to find a computer, but the rest of Edinburgh's students must have even featherier duvets than me because there was hardly anyone in.

I finished the first section of my dissertation and have just moved onto section two. Not bad going really. I just need to keep it up for the next two weeks before I end up having to write three term essays as well.

I spoke to Ali earlier. He wasn't a happy bunny because Manchester Uni haven't paid him the first installment of his funding. Shame on them. Why is admin so shoddy wherever you go these days? He'd had to walk to uni with holes in his shoes, in the rain, and was well and truly glum. I can't wait to see him tomorrow to snuggle his cares away! I'll arrive at 7.15pm. I just wish I was staying for more than one night. Goddamn work. It gets in the way of life!

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