Monday 13 October 2008


I am at work, on the front counter, needing to appear busy so that the security guard will stop talking to me. It's a typical Monday evening!

I have just spent four blissful days with Ali. I travelled down to Manchester on Thursday night, and we both travelled back up here on Saturday afternoon. He has just headed back and will be somewhere in Scotland still.

Friday was fun because we met up with my best friend Beth and friends Inga and John who all live down there. Me and Beth got very drunk over a couple of bottles of wine and had an excellent catch up. I've known her since I was four so it's really nice that I'm getting to see even more of her these days seems our paths have transpired to bring us together in Manchester.

Ali and I both agreed that Edinburgh and Manchester have blurred into one city. I no longer feel that I'm anywhere different after spending the end of each week travelling back and forth between the two. It's a really great feeling - to be comfortable in both places and know it's no big deal that he lives far away. I'm happier than I have been in a long time which is a dangerous place to be in because there's always the worry of something bad happening to spoil it.

The only down side to having Ali for four days is the distinct lack of work I've been doing. By lack I of course mean none. Nada. Not a sausage. I'm going to get up early tomorrow and spend a day on the fifth floor of the library in the silence. I've got dissertation and essay prep to do, not to mention continuous reading - I've still not completed Middlemarch.

I'll be seeing Ali again on Thursday at my parents' house - we're spending a night there and then on Friday morning travelling to York for his brother Stu's wedding. York is only 40 minutes by train from my hometown so we figured we may as well grab a night alone together before being with everyone else, plus a night in my big bed with our own bathroom beats and extra night on someone's floor. It'll be good to see Mum and Dad.

Stu said I wasn't allowed to come to the wedding unless I knitted him a blue and orange hat. It's not finished yet so I'll have to get knitting every night this week!

Ali models the unfinished hat!

The decorators are due on Wednesday to re-paper and paint my wall which is now plastered. Hurray! I'm desperate to move my stuff back in, I'm sick of the flat being in a mess.

Wet plaster.

An hour and a half of the working night left. Pure tedium. Why any bookshop needs to be open until 8pm when all other shops around are shut at 5.30pm I do not know. I'm sure it's barely worth it.


Miss Charlotte said...

Glad you're having fun travelling between Manchester and Edinburgh. I kind of wish I'd picked to go to Edinburgh Uni, but played it safe and stayed at home. Hope your dissertation work goes well!

Unknown said...

Glad everything is looking up for you and that you are happy!! Hope all is well and that you get to move your stuff in soon. Sending lots of good luck thoughts from the US!

