Sunday, 28 September 2008

Sunday Bookselling

I find myself, once again, bored at work, sick of answering the same enquiries ~ 'There's a book, I don't know the author or the title but it was on a radio programme a few weeks ago and I think it was set somewhere in Europe'. God help me!

Still, such an enquiry is preferable to 'Where is your economics section?' I really wish I could get away with saying, 'Well if you walk back to the front of the shop and read the huge store directory you'll find out.' One day I will probably snap and get myself fired.

This is just making me look like the worst shop assisstant ever, but I'm actually not. I do enjoy my job most of the time, there's great pleasure in helping a pleasant customer who's generally struggling to find what they want, or doesn't expect you to be able to find it. An American customer once wrote a letter all the way from the states to my boss saying how helpful I'd been and I won £100. So yea, I'm not a nightmare, I just get worn down by endless streams of rude and lazy people.


Right, well I'm home now in my PJs, enjoying the benefits of a feather duvet and a big mug of earl grey tea. Heaven.

Our boiler has packed in and I was forced to have an icey cold shower earlier. Thank goodness Mum and Dad brought up my thicker duvet, blankets and hot water bottle this morning. Edinburgh's icey wind has arrived, my face feels really dry from just one day of it.

I should be reading not blogging. I had been watching some Sopranos but it freaked me out. I've borrowed a dodgy Japanese boxset of the entire seasons 1-6 from a friend. In tonight's episode in the bottom right corner of the screen was the image of a man's face in a red blur. I text Ali to tell him about it, thinking its creepiness warranted a text message. He pointed out it'd be even worse if it was in an episode of Twin Peaks!! I had to agree.

Maybe some reading will help my imagination wipe the freaky image. And it can be done whilst wrapped up in my duvet. I don't want to get out of this bed now until Spring!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Howdy! As some people say here in Texas where I'm inconveniently from. :-) I saw you were a follower of my blog and I just read your blogs as well...great stuff. I love reading about other people and their adventures in this ever changing world. Ok well...thought I'd stop by and say hey on your blog...thanks for following mine. Take care and good luck with the wall being fixed up!